Thoughts About Election Day: A Few Words From Our CEO Jeff Pruitt

Tallwave leader and CEO Jeff Pruitt reflects on our country's current climate, the upcoming election and what we can – and should – do next.
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As Election Day nears, I’ve been reflecting on the state of our country. I believe the tone used in many Presidential, Senate, and Congressional debates, commercials and campaign ads has greatly contributed to the polarization and unrest we’re experiencing today.


I’ve been thinking about what happens after next Tuesday. Well, it is 2020…. and I would not be surprised if we step into Wednesday without a clear Presidential winner, further inflaming unrest.


So, what can we or should we do about? There is one answer to that question: 




It is the only way to ensure your voice is counted and heard. Study the candidates, issues and local propositions and take time off to get to the polls. Then consider shifting your focus back to taking care of yourself. What happens after you’ve bubbled in your choices and cast your ballot is out of your control.   

"What happens after you've bubbled in your choices and cast your ballot is out of your control."

For the good of our country, I hope we see a clear victor, regardless of party. But I am mentally preparing for that to be uncertain, at least for a short time. Whatever happens, I can only action myself towards what serves me and allows me to be at my best. I have been meditating, quieting my mind and limiting my news intake. If I feel compelled to read or listen to news, I try to diversify where I get it from. I am choosing to guard my mind and being selective about what I absorb.


I believe nothing in life is a fixed state. I have faith in our democracy long-term and believe we will find a way out of this heightened polarization.  


One final thing: If nothing else, it is important to remember that we are all Americans. That narrative is not coming across as strong as it should.  As Tallwavers, we have always treated our differences as an asset. We have shown empathy towards each other, embraced new ideas and celebrated all backgrounds. Let us continue to draw on our strengths during this time and support one another unwaveringly.

"If nothing else, it is important to remember that we are all Americans."

Go vote. Continue to breathe. Guard your mind. And stay strong for those around you.




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